Universal Balance


Apparently I’ve become one of those guys that only posts once a week.  Here’s the last week:

Squat PR of 365.  It flew up, no grinding at all.  I was happy for this.

The universe decided to balance the scales and immediately after my squat PR I dragged the bar over my shins on deadlift and bled all over myself.  I know that this is what long socks are for, but I’d feel stupid wearing long socks so that I can deadlift 235.

After the squat PR and deadlift shin drag I was making some post-workout eggs and burned the absolute shit out of my hand.  I think I deserve another PR to balance the karmic scales back.

My vacation time is officially over and I did nothing for a week.  It’s a little embarrassing that I had a whole week and managed to accomplish nothing.  I didn’t even post anything.

School is in full swing.  It wouldn’t be school without a couple retarded professors.  One professor assigns the homework on Mondays and then it is due by Friday.  I emailed her and asked if there was any way that she would assign the work earlier so that people could work on it over the weekends.  She said that since regular classes are usually Mon-Fri, that’s the schedule that she follows.  It’s her class, I guess.  But the reason a lot of people take online courses is because they work Mon-Fri.

My geography course culminates in a 10 page research paper on a country in Latin America.  I have chosen Peru.  The professor breaks down the paper so that each week we have a portion of it due.  By the end of the semester we should have the paper completed.  This seems like a great system, except that the second week she wanted our completed annotated bibliography with 10 sources.  Just in case you didn’t catch that; she wants the bibliography before we even start on the content for the paper.  None of this stuff is particularly difficult, just annoying.

I weighed in at 210 this morning.


W2D3 – Monday

Bench – 200×3, 230×3, 255x(3+) x5 reps

OHP – 105x5x10

Incline DB – 65x5x10

Seated DB Tri Press – 3×12


W2D4 – Wednesday

Squat – 255×3, 290×3, 330x(3+) x5 reps, 355×1 (Joker), 365×1 (Joker)

Deadlift – 235x5x10

Pullups – 10,10,10,9,9

Hammer Curls – 3×12


W3D1 – Friday

OHP – 135×5, 155×3, 170x(1+) x2 reps, 175×1 (Joker), 180×0 (Fail)

Bench – 180x5x10

Dips – 13,13,12,12,12

Cable Pushdowns – 3×12

5 thoughts on “Universal Balance

  1. Nice skwat.

    I think I’m becoming the one post every 1-2 weeks guy as well. Oh well. There are like 3 people left here so does it really matter?

    Kinda sharing your online class woes too. It’s kind of stupid the teacher won’t let the stuff be due by Saturday at least. I think that’s how mine is. The content on blackboard is laid out like shit though. The course content by week section doesn’t really say what we have to do. And then we have to go over to the discussion section and find the post we’re supposed to reply to.

    Bibliographies are lame. You can probably just find 10 sources to show you’re looking then change them later.


    1. Student-and-sparse-blogger checking in. Oh that is ridiculously annoying. My courses this term are more bearable than last, as one has an experienced prof with a reasonable class structure, and the other is taught by my supervisor.

      Nice squat PR!! Sucks about the shins and your hand, hope it’s healing up.


      1. Reasonable class structure and experienced prof. can make a huge difference. I had a first-time professor last semester and she graded extremely difficult. I think that by the end she realized that the class average was down the tubes and we got offered some extra credit to raise the average.


    2. I’ll never understand why professors will make it so difficult to access stuff in BB. My Geography Professor has 13 different sections on the left margin. I just assume they don’t understand how to use technology. I definitely prefer when a Prof. just makes folders for weekly assignments.


      1. “13 different sections”

        That’s just uncalled for. You’re probably right about them not understanding technology though. Shouldn’t be too long before the rest of the generation that doesn’t understand computers dies off though and gets replaced by all of our punk asses.


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